Potential Venues…
Medium-sized venues (i.e theater/school
Larger Venues (i.e. concert halls)
Outdoor Venues (i.e. festivals)
Tour Availability…
“MetaMORPHOsis” is available year round, as we have multiple performers in rotation for each role in the show to ensure consistent availability. Outdoor presentations are weather contingent for safety. Conditions must be over 55F degrees with less than 15 mph winds, and no lightening or precipitation. Alternate plans for outdoor shows are pre-arranged, as a projected “rain date” or moving the performance to an indoor area for the event.
"MetaMORPHOsis," originally performed for Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden in 2019 was created to celebrate the life cycle of the Morpho butterfly, in conjunction with their annual Pollinator Festival and “Butterflies Live” exhibit. Working with an arborist, we created a beautifully choreographed show of aerial silks artists suspended from a mighty oak tree, 32 feet in the air. This forty five minute performance can be performed from a tree, a theater grid, secure building structure, or on our free-standing aerial rig. Our professional rig can be erected indoors or outside up to 24'. "MetaMORPHOsis" celebrates the beauty in the life cycle of the butterfly. Each performer creatively interprets the journey of the caterpillar emerging from the egg, to cocoon, and then a magnificent transformation into a beautiful butterfly. Performers can also participate in a talk-back session on a variety of topics including the creative process of the show, aerial fabrics as an art form, or the evolution of circus arts from the vintage traveling tent circus to modern day contemporary circus arts.
Music with permission of Llewellyn